From: Brian Holtz []
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:55 AM
To: 'Joe Haik'
Subject: RE: ROFL
Perhaps you should read the book 'Evidence That Demands A Verdict'. 
LOL. McDowell is an embarrassment to serious Christian apologists. See e.g. and
That is a book of facts. I know you may have trouble with FACTS because they are not myth or conspiracy theories. Just wondering if you can disprove just this one Author 
No need -- it's already been done:
As for disproving your myths, on one topic for now, could you tell me the math odds of creation vs evolution.
I challenged you to "document a 'fallicy' [sic] -- much less a 'lie' -- anywhere in my writings".  So what you need to do is: type a quote, paste some text I wrote, type a close quote, and then argue that my text is either a "fallacy" or a "lie".  If you do so, I'll be happy to crush your arguments flat. But until you thus muster the guts to actually back up your earlier charge, you just get to eat links.
If you do the math, you're wrong.  
That's it?  That's your argument?  LOL.  Here, chew on this:  And then this:
Thanks for trying, and I will await your answer to disprove just this one author.  No need to bring in the hundred others, let alone people like me. 
Newbies like you need to spend a lot more time reading the opposition, and a lot less time embarrassing themselves by challenging people like me. Come back in a decade or so, when what you write might be less dangerous to your reputation, and not as boring for me to slap down.
P.S. to those reading this over the coming decades and centuries who might consider me harsh above, just consider the subject line and how insulting Joe was in his opening email.