From: Brian Holtz []
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 2:59 PM
To: 'Francois Tremblay'
Subject: RE: Evidence for Jesus ?

I am in the process of reading your articles linked on
Interesting stuff. I am also glad to see that you are a libertarian and an

Thanks! Have you considered joing the Libertarian Party?

However, there is one thing that does puzzle me. You seem to claim that
there is evidence for a historical Jesus. Would you indulge me in telling
me what that evidence is, or perhaps give a link to something you wrote to
support that assertion ?

My impression of the overall evidence is that an ahistorical Jesus creates more problems than it solves. I certainly don't think that Jesus ahistoricity is the most viable way to answer Christianity. For (a little) more on my views of ahistoricity, see Warning: the thread was mainly about why I don't consider ahistoricity worth debating, so you won't find much actual debate about ahistoricity there.