From: ptireland [] Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2005 11:08 AM To: 'Brian Holtz';; Subject: RE: RE: Allow me represent you in the Ex-Com BH: Since you're under consideration for an LPC position and not the federal bench, I won't bother correcting your misunderstandings of constitutional jurisprudence. PI: It’s a good thing, because I know more about the U.S. Constitution than most Supreme Court Justices, and I would embarrass you further than you’ve already embarrassed yourself up ‘till now. BH: Thus you don't stand behind your earlier "just a way for people to excuse" statement. QED. PI: I stand behind every word I’ve ever said. It IS an excuse, and a very poor excuse at that. And as far as questioning your honesty, I don’t question it. I’m flat out saying you’re dishonest if you claim to be a libertarian and also support the war in Iraq. BH: Non-responsive. I disputed the assertion that defending liberty outside our borders is never helpful for defending liberty inside our borders. Do you assert the contrary, or not? PI: Yes I do. It is absolutely NOT helpful for the cause of liberty in the United States to start unprovoked wars against other nations, or to use our military to take sides in their disputes, or overthrow leadership of other nations, or to enforce U.N. sanctions. Switzerland has been surrounded by war yet haven’t been involved in one for more than 100 years. That’s not an accident. It’s because they are neutral in all disputes, have a very powerful defense, and they don’t intervene in the affairs of other nations or bully them around. I was responsive both times and you were wrong both times. BH: For a crypto-anarchist, you seem to attach a lot of moral significance to the boundaries of existing nation-states. I've never been to either Maine or Iraq, and don't know anyone in either place. My interest in defending the liberty of people in Maine or Iraq does not stem purely from my own selfish interest in maintaining whatever mutual defense arrangement I may enjoy with them. The contrary may be true for you, but if so my higher devotion to human liberty should mark me as more libertarian than thou, not less. PI: For a closet-fascist you seem to forget that libertarianism is about the “live and let live” attitude, and about the spread of power with clearly defined lines. This localizes tyranny when it breaks out. Libertarians wish freedom and liberty for everyone, but do not violate libertarian principles (neutrality, non-military intervention, non-coerciveness, non-initiation of force, etc) in order to win freedom for someone else. If you’re so-called “devotion to human liberty” means you’re trying to rationalize and justify unwarranted, unprovoked, unconstitutional, and unreasonable attacks against non-threatening sovereign nations because you personally don’t like they way they do things or the level of freedom the people have, you should mark yourself as equally libertarian as Pol Pot, Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, etc. BH: If true, it's because intervention has almost never been in defense of liberty. Well, welcome to the 21st century. Don't be surprised if things tend to be a little different from here on out. :-) PI: The 21st century isn’t any different than any other century. There have always been tyrants willing to kill people in the name of “defending liberty” (as long as it’s the kind of liberty THEY think they should have) or “providing security”. There have always been dishonest people willing to violate the sovereignty of other nations, and who have no respect BH: I indeed am more interested than you are in defending human liberty. We'll just have to agree to disagree on whether that makes me more libertarian than thou or less. PI: No, you’re not more interested in defending human liberty. You’re interested in enforcing what YOU consider to be liberty on foreign peoples at the point of a gun. You’re interested in violating everything that is libertarianism and call it for the “cause of liberty”. I’ve got news for you. America isn’t here to win anyone’s freedom but our own. If you want to help free other people, get off your ass and go there on your own, but you have absolutely no right to use MY military to do it. BH: What is your evidence for this claim? PI: Every single death related to the war in Iraq is America?s fault including the deaths by beheadings, deaths on Spanish trains, deaths of American and other allies, and the deaths of the 100,000 civilians and several thousand others who were merely defending their own country from a hostile invasion force that had no justification to attack. All of these deaths could have been avoided [...] BH: Non-responsive. I asked for evidence that "there are hundreds of thousands less Iraqi people" as a result of the 2003 invasion. Let us know if you ever come up with any. PI: Idiotic. If you want to calculate the exact numbers of every single death from the war launched against Iraq in 1991, in 2003, bombing them for 12 years straight of bombing them without stop and keeping them from life saving medicines, etc. feel free. The fact of the matter is there are hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi people, and dozens of thousands of American, Australian, English, and others dead who otherwise wouldn’t be if Bush and his father hadn’t started this unprovoked and blatantly illegal attack on Iraq, you can feel free to look up your own evidence. I don’t care what evidence you asked for. If it were one death, it would be too many. ***** PI: Keep in mind these numbers don?t include the 200,000 who were starved to death and kept from life saving medicines or who were bombed for 12 years straight [...] BH: As I already said, deaths from the sanctions are Saddam's fault, not the UN's. Saddam could have at any point agreed to the oil-for-food conditions, but he stalled for years. Also, if you're going to ground your moral analysis of Iraq on the sovereignty of nation-states instead of the liberty of human beings, then Iraq's trading partners were well within their rights to decline to engage in commerce with Iraq. BH: You falsely claimed the deaths caused by sanctions made by the UN and enforced by America were Saddam’s fault. This is after Iraq was the victim of an unwarranted attack, and forced to sign a treaty under duress. I don’t care about the oil for food program. The fact is Iraq is a sovereign nation and doesn’t require the permission of the U.N. or the United States to have any weapons they want. Neither America, nor the U.N. had any legitimate authority to attack in 1991, to create sanctions that caused the deaths, or to choose the conditions under which they’d be allowed to have food. Only a monster and an idiot without the slightest clue about libertarianism would claim otherwise. Iraq’s trading partners are within their rights to decline to engage in commerce with Iraq, but that’s not what happened. They blocked Iraq from trading with anyone else. There were many nations who would have traded with Iraq but they were stopped by the U.S.. Nice try, but once again, you’re telling the exact opposite of the truth….and yes, I am saying you’re dishonest. BH: We'll just have to agree to disagree whether this lack of concern over these violations of human liberty marks you as more libertarian than I. BH: Last I checked, Bush is not a member of the LP. The conventional analysis is that Bush has alienated Republicans who favor smaller government. For example, I went from LP sympathizer to activist only after the GOP used their full control of the federal government to finally prove that their position on shrinking government was only rhetorical. PI: Since Bush got into office, the LP has been wooing disenchanted Republicans into the party, just like you. They aren’t libertarians in the slightest and they seek to change the LP to be something it’s not…just like you. They want to misuse the military, violate the Constitution, attack civil rights, etc. In other words, they want to continue business as usual and the only part of the LP they agree with is lowering their own taxes. There empty words claiming to support freedom have no weight because they don’t know the meaning of freedom. BH: I'm not sure which is more odd: that the most significant increase in human liberty in 15 years would not be occasion for celebration by self-proclaimed lovers of liberty, or that the war would be an excuse for opponents of the war to quit a party whose official position is against the war. These folks seem quite confused. PI: I don’t know which is a grosser violation of libertarian thought. That someone would claim the unprovoked violent overthrow of a sovereign nation and murder of its people is a significant increase in human liberty or that they’d want to stick around while the party is invaded by those who are against libertarianism such as all who support the war in Iraq. I’m very happy though that you admit the party’s position is against the war. If you are pro-war, and the party is against the war, you are against the party and against libertarianism in general. ***** BH: Are you saying you would favor the expulsion of anyone who would ever advocate America forcibly replacing tyranny with liberty? PI: I?m saying I?d favor the expulsion of anyone who would ever advocate America using its military to attack any country that hasn?t attacked America first or anyone who would advocate using the military for ANY REASON other than the defense of our own country from direct attacks and not ?possible threats?. BH: So is the answer to my question above an unqualified "yes"? If so, do you have the courage to say "Yes, I would favor the expulsion of anyone who would ever advocate America forcibly replacing tyranny with liberty in a country that had not attacked us"? PI: I thought I just said that. I don’t know how I can say it more plainly. I am against anyone using the U.S. military for ANY REASON other than to defend against direct attacks against American soil and ships. That includes the expulsion of anyone who would ever advocate America forcibly replacing tyranny with liberty in any nation that has not directly attacked us from the libertarian party, and in my personal opinion they aren’t worthy of calling themselves Americans let alone libertarians. The U.S. military has one and only one purpose, that is to defend our own ships and soil and nothing else. End of story. ***** PI: I don't care what libertarian sounding rhetoric they [the RLC] use, or what they CLAIM to support. BH: Do you have evidence that what they "claim to support" differs from what they actually desire? Or is this more mind-reading? :-) PI: If they actually supported those things they would never vote for a member of the Republican Party. BH: It's ridiculously narrow-minded to take disagreement with your personal judgments about political tactics as evidence for dishonesty in one's claims about the political principles that one supports. However, it conveniently saves you from a lot of hard thinking if you imagine that anyone who disagrees with your tactics must also secretly disagree with your principles. PI: You mean like the narrow-mindedness and lack of thinking on the part of those who would murder people based on their own personal judgments about how free they think they should be? If someone seriously supports smaller government they won’t vote for Republicans because voting for a Republican guarantees you’ll have larger government. That’s a fact. ***** PI: Every one of your responses are directly opposed to the non-aggression principle and therefore directly opposed to libertarianism itself. BH: My love of liberty, and hatred of aggression, is so strong that I seek to actually maximize liberty and minimize aggression, rather than merely to set a good example by agreeing with fellow non-coercitarians to abstain from first use of force. I admit that being a non-coercitarian saves you a lot of thinking compared to being a libertarian, because setting a good example is a lot easier than actually making a difference in the world. PI: Your love of liberty and hatred of aggression is so strong, that you want to use aggression to violate the sovereignty of other nations, to violate the U.S. Constitution, to violate libertarian principles, and to murder people so you can enforce what you deem to be the best way for them to live. America is to be a beacon of hope and liberty for other nations, not the champion of it. You keep mentioning how people like to “save thinking” and it seems as though you’re vastly experienced in this area as you don’t do much thinking of any kind when it comes to libertarianism. BH: Are you proud enough of anarchism to declare yourself an anarchist? Or is there some government first use of force (e.g. taxation to finance court/police protection for the indigent) that you would allow? PI: I wouldn’t declare myself to be an anarchist, because I’m not one. I support the use of force in the defense of rights and I support limited government. This means the government of America has limited authority, even limited authority to defend rights and protect people. All of the powers of the U.S. Government are limited to being within our own borders. The U.S. government has no authority to defend other nations, to “free” the people of other nations, or to defend the rights of anyone other than the people in our own country. This is the libertarian point of view, and there is no deviation from it. If you disagree with any part of it, you are not a libertarian. ***** PI: I laugh at your use of the phrase ?non-coercitarians? because that is pretty much the definition of a libertarian. BH: You define a libertarian as one who seeks to maximize liberty only by agreeing with fellow liberty-lovers to set a good example of abstaining from first use of force. I define a libertarian as one who seeks to maximize liberty, period. PI: No, “I” don’t define libertarian. Libertarianism is what it is. Libertarianism is about not using force for political gain or social engineering even if you think that use of force will “free” those in another country. For a Libertarian, there are no circumstances when STARTING an unprovoked war (as America did in Iraq) is justified. I don’t care how YOU define libertarian. If you’re a member of the party you agreed to a statement of principles as a condition of your membership. If you support starting unprovoked wars for ANY REASON, you’re violating those principles and you’re not a libertarian by any stretch of the imagination. ***** PI: If you support coercion, force, etc. for political gain or social engineering in this or any other country, you?re not a libertarian. BH: If you oppose the first use of force under any and all circumstances, you are an anarchist. If you would allow first use of force even just in a "compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in [one's] favor" [can you say "Sixth Amendment"?], then you've lost your anarchist virginity, and have to debate what other ends might permit coercive means. PI: As usual, you’re completely wrong. Anarchists are those who believe in the abolition of government. I am not now, nor have I ever been an anarchist. And please stop your laughable comparison between having a witness mandated to present evidence in court to murdering and injuring hundreds of thousands of people who posed no threat to America. It only increases how badly you look and shines a bright light on how untenable your arguments are. Your ridiculous excuse for logic is that if we have a law requiring people to testify in court, it’s ok to commit genocide. LOL