Present Evidence. If you believe that the evidence for your god(s) is compelling, how do you explain that it is not accepted by so many otherwise reasonable people? Why do so many people claim that the evidence for some other god(s) is compelling? Why doesn't it worry you that belief in your god(s) correlates so highly with parental belief in your god(s)? What other thesis so important and compelling (e.g. heliocentrism, evolution) defied general consensus for this long? In how many years do you expect there will be a consensus for your position as widespread as that supporting (say) heliocentrism? (Your answer must include either include the word 'never' or a numerical year plus-or-minus a confidence range.) Do you think that a reasonable person can only disagree with your conclusion if she is subject to some character flaw or demonic influence?
Future Evidence. Do you think there will ever be any compelling new evidence for your god(s)? For example, will there ever be new and scientifically documented miracles by your god(s)? Will there ever be scientific confirmation of the efficacy of prayer to your god(s)? Will there ever be archeological corroboration of the miracles your holy text?
Contrary Evidence. Could any possible evidence convert you to a different revelation-based religion, like Zoroastrianism or Sikhism? Could any possible evidence convert you to atheism? (E.g., can you imagine compelling archaeological evidence that all the relevant revelation-based religions were false or fraudulent?) If yes to either, what is the minimum evidence required? If no to both, do you admit that your belief in god(s) unfalsifiable?
Dwindling Hope. In the past, your god was used to explain the "gaps" caused by the absence of a naturalistic understanding of physics, astronomy, meteorology, agriculture, and physiology. Most of these gaps began closing after 1500, but by 1850, there were still no naturalistic explanations for the origin and diversity of life, the mechanism of mind, and the origin of the universe itself. By now, compelling naturalistic explanations already exist for the diversity of life and the mechanism of mind, while outlines of naturalistic explanations are being formed for the origins of life and the universe itself. Consider a future year -- 2300, or 3300 -- in which
Prophecy. If you believe that your holy book made non-trivial prophecies that were later fulfilled, how do you explain the secular scholarly consensus that no such prophecies were actually recorded before the predicted event? What single prophecy would you say is the one that should be most impressive to skeptics?
Nature of Hell. What is hell like? During my "eternal damnation", will I be able to remember my mortal life as well as I can now? Will I be able to remember new things that I think of while in hell? Will your god(s) and devil(s) torment me only by the new experiences they give me, or will they also directly manipulate my memories, personality, emotions, and free will? Will I be able to keep time in any way? Will I have access to any means of recording my thoughts? Will your god(s) be aware of any words or thoughts I address to them, or is this outside their omniscience? Will I be able to communicate with people in heaven or other people in hell? Will I be able to learn of events on earth and elsewhere as they happen after my death? Will any loved ones I have in heaven be able to remember me? How are they likely to feel about me and my predicament?
<>Nature of Heaven. What is heaven like? During your (presumed) "life everlasting", will you be able to do the things I asked about me doing in Hell? If you are able to communicate with other citizens of heaven, will it only be if they agree to do so? Can you truly consider it paradise if the celebrities there are snubbing you? Can celebrities truly consider it paradise if they have to talk to anybody who comes over to their cloud? If you are a remarried widower, will your two wives have to share you, or will one of them have less bliss than the other? If you had lifelong enmity for someone (e.g. a cruel stepmother or a father who abandoned your family to poverty), are you allowed to still refuse contact with them in heaven? If on Earth you tried but couldn't have a child, can you have one in heaven? If you had a miscarriage on Earth at ten weeks' term, is the child waiting to meet you in heaven? What about discarded human embryos? What about stem cells? If you were a fetus or infant or child at death and get an adult's mind in heaven, what determines your personality? If you were mentally disabled or senile when you received life everlasting, do you get an adult's mind? Are some people in heaven still smarter or funnier than others, or is everyone equally intelligent and witty? Is there humor at all in heaven? Will any joke still seem funny after 100 trillion years? Will you understand (or be able to learn) every principle of math and science? Will you eventually understand everything, and thus face an eternity of having nothing new to learn? Will you know (or be able to learn) every fact of the history of you, your loved ones, humanity, and the Earth in general? Will you know Earth's future, or be able to observe it as it happens? Will others in heaven know (or be able to learn) embarrassing things about your life? Will you be able to remember any sinful pleasures of your mortal life? Will your memory of your sins be wiped clean, or will you still have shame? Will you be able to play games (like chess) with other people in heaven? Will you ever lose? Can you ever improve at such pursuits? Will you be able to take naps, and if so for what duration? Will people ever have differing opinions, interests, or hobbies? Will there be any possible way to create new knowledge or new art? What intellectual person could be happy having an omniscience withhold knowledge from her? What intellectual person could be happy being omniscient and having nothing left to learn?Will you have a material body in heaven? If so: Will you need
to eat and use the bathroom? Will you be subject to the periodic
reproduction-related episodes which our bodies experience on
Earth? If you were obese all your life, will you be slender in
heaven? If you were a bodybuilder, will you keep your
muscles? Can you decide to start bodybuilding in heaven? What are
the physics and topology of heaven? Is heaven infinitely big, or does
it have an edge? Is there gravity? Do heaven's physical laws
govern everyone there who isn't God? Is there conservation of
mass-energy and momentum? Is there entropy and friction?
Are there any material scarcities in heaven, or does God provide an
unlimited supply of any material good you desire?
If there are scarcities, then: What are the economics of
heaven? Is there an official currency? Is there private
property in heaven? What is the discount rate in heaven?
I.e., is there a time-value of money, or are all interest rates
zero? Is there technology in heaven? Is there capital
equipment to help you produce scarce things more efficiently?
What is the biology of heaven? Are there plants and animals,
or are the gardeners and pet-lovers and bird-watchers and equestrians
out of luck? Do all your dead pets join you in heaven? Can
you breed animals in heaven, or do you get a fixed set of them? Do
animals that were nobody's pet get an afterlife? Do kittens in heaven
never shed, and puppies never chew on your stuff? Do puppies and
kittens ever age in heaven?
Justness of Hell. If, when my first 100 trillion years of torment are over, you happen to remember that a basically good person is just beginning his torture essentially because he used his divine given gift of reason, will you think "right on! you and Hitler are getting what you deserved!"? Or will you then even momentarily consider that your god(s) might be less than perfectly just? If after 100 trillion years of torment I were repentant and your god(s) gave me amnesty, would you really think "Boo! Burn that bastard for the eternity that he deserves!"?
What if God Quit? Imagine your god(s) "saw how great man's wickedness on earth had become" [Gen 6:5] and decided to be rid of us. But instead of drowning us all in a Flood, imagine that your god(s) simply abandoned us to the uncaring universe. Imagine that your god(s) decided to leave us alone and unmolested, the way all the wicked atheists thought we were anyway. Imagine too that your god(s) had firmly decided and announced that the few not-quite-so-wicked people like you had zero hope of salvation, and that your souls would be uncreated upon your natural bodily death. What would you do? What would be your goals and values?