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Eyewitness Whistleblowers

These are eyewitnesses who claim personal experience with indisputably extraterrestrial technology or biology, and who claim that the government is concealing confirmation of their experiences. Their claims could in principle be confirmed by official channels e.g. other official witnesses, government leaks, etc. This category excludes:

  • hearsay e.g. my dad saw alien spacecraft at Area 51; a general told me the government has had meetings with aliens; my uncle performed an alien autopsy. The dad/general/uncle would be the eyewitnesses, but the people repeating the eyewitness testimony are merely hearsay witnesses.
  • private experiences e.g. I was abducted onto an alien ship and probed by Greys, but I don't allege there is any official-but-secret corroborating information that a whistleblower or hacker could someday reveal.
  • disputable evidence e.g. the Atacam skeleton; Fravor's report of a seeing flying tic-tac craft thousands of feet away; radar logs of mysterious blips.

Bob Lazar

Worked at Area 51 in late 1980s on one of 9 functional alien spaceships, some of which were found in archaeological digs. Debunked here.

Arthur Neumann aka Henry Deacon (2007): I'm a current employee of one of the three letter agencies. I'm probably taking quite a risk by speaking to you like this, though I don't intend to reveal any information that in my judgment is both classified and specific to national security. I've been involved in many projects with many different agencies over many years. […] I have memories of coming from another planet, and these are all mixed up, all mingled with human boyhood memories. […] if you're creating rips in spacetime you're messing with time itself, whether you mean to or not. There have been attempts to fix that, and it all results in a complicated overlay of time loops. Some ETs are trying to help, and others, others are not. […] Only one or two ET groups are concerned about nuclear weapons, not all of them. […] The Montauk Project caused a huge problem, and generated a 40-year [time] loop. […] One of the portals connects to Mars, and it's a stable connection, no matter where Earth and Mars are in their orbits. We have a base there established in the early sixties. Actually, we have a number of bases. […] The people there [on Alpha Centauri] are very human-like. They're not Grays, they're like us. The human form is very common in the universe. […] We should never have done it [shot down that UFO]. The disk was disabled and it was captured, and so were the occupants, and I saw these very briefly. They were small child-like humanoids, with no hair. And they had small eyes, not large almond-shaped eyes. […] there are many groups of ETs, and besides our own ancestors are mixed in there. There are time loops upon time loops, and it's all a mess.

Emery Smith (2018): Emery Smith, former Air Force field medic, has provided detailed accounts of autopsying over 3,000 alien specimens, and over 1200 nearly complete bodies. As a result, we are gaining new intel about the massive number of alien species we share our universe with. Emery speaks out despite threats on his life […] This work also involved direct interactions with a variety of different living ETs who advised him. He also got to see and take samples of the craft that some of them had arrived in […] For those that want to meet Emery and David Wilcock in person, there are 28 VIP tickets available for an intimate, fully catered meet and greet before the show. […]

Corey Goode Identified as an intuitive empath (IE), Corey Goode was recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the young age of six. (MILAB is a term coined for the military abduction of a person that indoctrinates and trains them for any number of military black ops programs.) Goode trained and served in the MILAB program from 1976-1986/87. Toward the end of his time at MILAB he was assigned to fill an IE support role for a rotating Earth Delegate Seat (shared by secret earth government groups) in a “human-type” ET SuperFederation Council. The moon is an ancient “device” or space station that was built by the “Ancient Builder Race”. It is hollow after hundreds of feet of debris that have collected on it.

Hearsay Whistleblowers

Paul Hellyer

Paul Hellyer was Defense MInister of Canada in the 1960s and at age 82 in 2005 read a book (confirmed by some unnamed general) that convinced him the government is hiding its secret relations with at least four alien species who have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. He has learned that the aliens want humans to stop using clear-cutting, fracking, and fossil fuels, and to love each other.

Private-Experience Witnesses

These are witnesses who claim personal experience with indisputably extraterrestrial technology or biology, but who do not claim that the government is concealing confirmation of their experiences.

David Wilcock

Believes (video, transcript) he is “an extraterrestrial soul in a human body who has forgotten who you really are”.

Vice expose on David Wilcock and Corey Goode.

Alfred Webre

bio: director of the 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study, and former NGO delegate to the United Nations (2014): a consortium or regional galactic governance council is responsible for the creation of our species homo sapiens as a 12-strand DNA Light being in the 3rd dimension. Homo sapiens were devolved into a 3-strand DNA slave race 280,000 years ago by the intervention of another predatory species – the Anunnaki – that in fact has instituted the models of all hierarchical monarchies, religions, human governance, and human duality-based monetary systems.


  • Bob Dean
  • President Carter's investigative consultant Daniel Sheehan
  • New York Times bestseller Jim Marrs
  • US Air Force Captain Robert Salas
  • Air Force Colonel/nuclear engineer Don Ware
  • UK Ministry of Defense spokesman Nick Pope
  • astronomer Jacques Vallee
  • professor/abduction researcher David Jacobs
  • nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman
  • Donald Keyhoe
  • Frank Scully
  • Gerald Heard
alienwitnesses.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/27 00:20 by brian

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